The title of this group show, “EX VOTO”—a truncation of the Latin ex voto susceptor—translates as “from the vow made.” Curated by Lucy Stein and Sarah Hartnett, a duo also known as the Mary Ley Line Pilgrimage, the exhibition offers works from thirty contemporary artists who share an interest in a secular sense of the divine,read more
Month: December 2023
Ghislaine Leung: ‘Bosses’ (Divided Press, 2023)
Literal descriptions of things intersperse Bosses, 2023, Ghislaine Leung’s new collection of texts: ‘Index of Services’; ‘Air Passenger Duty’; Avoidable Mortality’. They might be titles for works, such as Public Sculpture, 2018, which I encountered in Suffolk earlier this summer, a taxonomical lineup of toys from a Reading local authority lending library. Produced according toread more