Born in Great Yarmouth in 1986, Jonathan P. Watts is an artist, writer and occasional curator based in Norwich. With Ben Brett he co-runs the contemporary art gallery Josey.
Jonathan was a Tutor (Research) in Contemporary Art Practice at the Royal College of Art, London from 2022–24 and has been an Associate Lecturer on Curating Contemporary Art, Writing and the Master of Research programmes since 2018. He completed a PGCert in Creative Education at the RCA in 2024.
From 2012–2022 Jonathan was an Associate Lecturer on the BA and MA Photography courses at Nottingham Trent University during which time he also delivered short courses on contemporary image theory at The Photographers’ Gallery, London.
In October 2023 Jonathan began a PhD at Norwich University of the Arts on EASTinternational, an annual open submission exhibition that occurred from 1991–2009 at Norfolk Institute of Art & Design (today Norwich University of the Arts). Visit his blog page for further information and updates.
Jonathan DJs and produces electronic music as helterhelter and is part of the Stray Dogs crew.
Jonathan is cataloguing and archiving the collection of audio, visual and performance documentation produced by the late David Reid AKA docder. View the document-in-progress here; get in touch if you have enquires about the material.
@jpw_jpw_jpw (Instagram)
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